your downloads & More

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Over time, we'll begin to learn more about you and what you’re interested in, so that we can better serve you through our emails.

In order to do this all we need from you is to make sure to open the emails that come your way, and please click on links of interest to you. If the links in the emails don’t seem interesting, then don’t feel obligated to click.

With that being said, here are the downloads we promised. If you have any question, just use the "Get In Touch" link above.

EMP Facts & Myths PDF

The threat of an EMP used to be a prepper conspiracy theory, but that is quickly changing. This pdf will help you understand what an EMP would do, and what it wont.

Emergency Survival Prepping Checklist

This isn't a checklist of what supplies you need, but rather a list of why you need those supplies and where to focus your attention.

The Original Prepping Checklist

Here is the original prepping checklist that I created that does go into individual supplies. While this was created over 5 years ago, the information remains relevant today.

Editable Supplies checkList

With this fully editable PDF, you can check your current supplies anf gear and put together a shopping list. This also works excellently for doing Inventory. 

Prepping Supplies Beginning Preppers 30 Day Shopping List

This list comes prepopulated with some standard prepping supplies, but you can delete them and add your own. You will also need to download it to your computer to enable editing.